Non-Profit Association Lebenslinien e.V.

More than 14 years of successful voluntary work for children

Since 2005, Lebenslinien e.V. - a German non-profit association - has been helping children in the Cape region, according to the South African "Ubuntu" philosophy. It expresses an African way of life characterised by fraternity, solidarity and togetherness.


An African Ubuntu philosopher defined it as
"I am, because we are, and we are because I am".


The individual is a harmonious part of the society and finds his security, strength and belonging here. Society is nothing without the individual.

With this world view and your donation we want to build a bridge between our prosperous world and a country that is still working to solve the consequences of years of apartheid.


Sustainable and fast help with onsite support

Our projects, which we carry out together with our South African project partners, are designed to provide rapid and sustainable assistance where it is urgently needed.

Steffi and Thomas Curry . The founders of Lebenslinien e.V.

The founders of Association Lebenslinien e.V. Steffi and Thomas Curry are regulary on-site and personally take care of the projects.

In 2017, almost 99.5% of all Magic Muffin donations have been spent directly for the project, as the team works on a voluntary basis and and we focus on keeping administration costs to a minimum.

We'd like to say thank you!

The Magic Muffin project as such, is obviously only possible due to a lot of people and institutions taking each other by their hands to make something wonderful happen. People all over the world participate in one big dream of feeding hungry children! This is what unites us! As the Ubuntu philosophy says, we believe in a universal bond of sharing, that connects all humanity.

From the bottoms of our hearts we thank:
• Jeanne Bloch, who started baking muffins long ago
• The Bavarian State Chancellery, who initially paid for the bakery and most of the equipment
• Mirja Sachs Stiftung, who also covered costs for parts of the equipment
• Grant Momple, who, as a food scientist, developed the ingredients of the Magic Muffin Mix
• Zeelandia SA, who provides us with their Royal Muffin Mix for a very special price and mixes in our magic additions
• Dr. Joubert Primary School, who offers us the room and supports the whole project with their heart and soul
• Vivian and Lee Ann, our precious, wonderful bakers
• Fiona, which is no longer with us, for her enthusiasm, love and expertise that she throwed in and thereby guaranteed the superb standard of the bakery
• The Bay Christian Family Church for doing most of the distribution to all the various schools and créches
• Erwin for making us visible on this beautiful website and Daniela who supports us in the back office

And last but not least ALL OUR DONORS for showing their beautiful hearts by supporting us financially!
Thank you!


Read more about the Association Lebenslinien e.V.

How to Purchase

If you are interested in purchasing Muffins, please follow this link.

Why we work for Lebenslinien e.V.

"We proactively support the association Lebenslinien e.V. because our work is important for the organization and for the children."

Daniela, Administration
Erwin, IT and Fundraising